Curriculum Vitae




1942 born

1962 - 1969 Study of Economics and Doctorate at Goethe University of Frankfurt/Main

1969 - 1974 Professional activities outside the University (International Organization, Company, Research Institute

1974 - 1994 Chair of Business and Economics, Faculty of Economics, University of Wuppertal

1994 - 2010 Chair of Production and Innovation Management, Schumpeter School of Business and Economics, University of Wuppertal

2010 - 2012 Founding Director for Center of Continuing Studies, University of Wuppertal

Since 2007 CEO of Schumpeter School Foundation

Since 2010 Professor emeritus

Main Research Points

Theory of the Firm, International Management, Innovation Theory and Policy, sectoral, regional and structural projects


About 100 scientific publications, among them the synopsis “Beyond and Inside the Business Economics. Institutions - Theories of the Firm – Globalization, 2010, (original title in German: Jenseits und Diesseits der Betriebswirtschaftslehre. Institutionen - Unternehmenstheorien - Globale Strukturen, Wiesbaden 2010


Baumann, W. /Braukmann, U./ Matthes, W. (ed.): Innovation and Internationalization. Book of Honours for Norbert Koubek, Wiesbaden 2010, 772 p, (original title in German: Baumann, W./ Braukmann, U./ Matthes, W. (Hrsg.): Innovation und Internationalisierung. Festschrift für Norbert Koubek, Wiesbaden 2010, 772 Seiten)

Dedication with the German Federal Cross of Merit, 2011

Academic and Institutional Functions and Activities

Dean of the Business and Economic Faculty; Membership Senat of University, Member of Supervisory Boards in Companies, CEO of Schumpeter School Alumni and Schumpeter School Foundation, Membership in scientific organizations and international cooperation with Universities and institutions, e.g. in USA, Canada, BRIC-States (Brazil, Russia, India, China), Japan, Thailand, Australia, UAE, South Africa)